Chandler-Gilbert Community College
2626 E Pecos RdChandler, AZ 85225
(480) 732-7000
Quick Facts
Enrollment: 19225
Type: Public 2-Year
Main Website:
Financial Aid: financial aid link
Annual Costs
Tuition and fees: $2,046.00
Total Cost In-State On-Campus: $18,970.00
Total Cost Out-State On-Campus: $24,754.00
Quick links: Admissions | Test Scoring | Financial Aid | Degrees | Majors | Scholarships
Financial Aid
Percentage of students receiving any financial aid | 66% |
Percentage of students receiving Federal Grants | 36% |
Average Federal Grant | $3,989.00 |
State Aid | |
Percentage of students receiving state aid | 0% |
Average state aid | $800.00 |
Institutional Aid | |
Percentage of students receiving institutional aid | 25% |
Average institutional aid | $1,629.00 |
Student Loans | |
Percentage of students receiving a student loan | 21% |
Average student loan | $3,410.00 |
- Degrees
- Majors
- Accounting
- Aircraft Powerplant Technology/Technician
- Airframe Mechanics and Aircraft Maintenance Technology/Technician
- Airline/Commercial/Professional Pilot and Flight Crew
- Art/art Studies
- Business Administration and Management
- Business/Commerce
- Child Development
- Commercial and Advertising Art
- Commercial Photography
- Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs
- Computer Installation and Repair Technology/Technician
- Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst
- Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications
- Corrections
- Creative Writing
- Criminal Justice/Police Science
- Criminal Justice/Safety Studies
- Data Entry/Microcomputer Applications
- Data Modeling/Warehousing and Database Administration
- Dietetic Technician
- Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts
- Early Childhood Education and Teaching
- Electrical and Power Transmission Installation/Installer
- Elementary Education and Teaching
- Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic)
- Engineering Technologies and Engineering-related Fields
- Engineering Technology
- Environmental Science
- Fine/Studio Arts
- Fire Science/Fire-fighting
- Forensic Science and Technology
- General Studies
- Homeland Security, law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services
- Information Technology
- Kinesiology and Exercise Science
- Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies
- Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training
- Lineworker
- Marketing/Marketing Management
- Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage
- Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians
- Music Management
- Natural Sciences
- Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Care Assistant/Aide
- Organizational Behavior Studies
- Physical Sciences
- Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse
- Small Business Administration/Management
- Visual and Performing Arts
Arizona Scholarships
Tony Coury Buick Baseball Scholarship
Scholarship for male. Maricopa County, Arizona residents who are undergraduate students attending Mesa Community College participating in the baseball program. Applicants must enroll full-time and have financial need. Number of awards may vary. more...
Dougherty Foundation, Inc. Scholarships
Scholarship for graduate students enrolled full-time at the University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences majoring in Agricultural Education. Students must have an interest in International Extension. Due date may vary. more...
Gregson Scholarship in Physics
Annual award for college juniors or seniors enrolled full-time at the University of Arizona Department of Physics. Students must demonstrate scholarship, character, and engineering promise. Deadlines and award amounts may vary. more...
Lisa Diane (Smith) Speer, RN Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Cochise College who are majoring in Nursing with an emphasis in emergency room or trauma nursing. Applicant must have a minimum 2.5 GPA and financial need. Preference given to single parents. Renewable. more...
Charles E. Dunson Journalism Scholarship
Annual award for undergraduate student attending Northern Arizona University majoring in Journalism. Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and demonstrated financial need. more...
Askew Childcare Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Cochise College. Applicants must have dependent children under the age of 18, a minimum 2.75 GPA and financial need. more...
Goldwater Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate juniors attending Arizona State University full-time, majoring in Physics. Applicants must plan to conduct research on nanoporous metals and plan to have careers in scientific research. Selection is based on academic merit and undergraduate research. Due date and number of awards varies. more...
Lisa Diane Speers Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate students enrolled full-time at the University of Arizona College of Nursing. Consideration given to financial need. Preference given to single parents and/or students with an interest in emergency room nursing. Due dates are June 1st for the fall semester and January 15th for the spring semester. Number of awards may vary. more...
Religious Studies Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Arizona State University full-time, majoring in Religious Studies. Due date, number of awards and award amount varies. more...
MCC Dance Company Awards
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Mesa Community College majoring in Dance. Applicants must have a minimum 2.0 GPA. Number of awards may vary. more...
Ida T. DeConcini Scholarship in Nursing
Scholarship for undergraduate students enrolled full-time at the University of Arizona College of Nursing. Students must demonstrate academic achievement and financial need. Due dates are June 1st for the fall semester and January 15th for the spring semester. Number of awards and award amount may vary. more...
John, Clara, & Caroline Bruhn Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Scholarship for undergraduate or graduate students enrolled full-time at the University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences School of Family and Consumer Sciences majoring in Retail Studies. Students must demonstrate academic achievement. Preference given to Arizona residents. Consideration given to financial need. Deadlines and award amounts may vary. more...
Excellence in Humanities Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Arizona State University full-time, majoring in Humanities. Applicant must have excellent academic achievement. Due date, number of awards and award amount varies. more...
Paul Dwyer Memorial Trust Scholarship
Scholarship for Mexican citizens who are undergraduate students attending Cochise College. Selection based no essay about improving Mexican-American relations. more...
Zelen-Kazz Environmental Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate or graduate students enrolled full-time at the University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Deadlines and award amounts may vary. more...