Owens Community College
30335 Oregon RdPerrysburg, OH 43551
(567) 661-7000
Quick Facts
Enrollment: 17048
Type: Public 2-Year
Main Website: https://www.owens.edu
Financial Aid: financial aid link
Annual Costs
Tuition and fees: $3,903.00
Total Cost In-State On-Campus: $5,303.00
Total Cost Out-State On-Campus: $8,975.00
Quick links: Admissions | Test Scoring | Financial Aid | Degrees | Majors | Scholarships
Financial Aid
Percentage of students receiving any financial aid | 84% |
Percentage of students receiving Federal Grants | 62% |
Average Federal Grant | $4,086.00 |
State Aid | |
Percentage of students receiving state aid | 0% |
Average state aid | $2,738.00 |
Institutional Aid | |
Percentage of students receiving institutional aid | 12% |
Average institutional aid | $2,884.00 |
Student Loans | |
Percentage of students receiving a student loan | 63% |
Average student loan | $5,031.00 |
- Degrees
- Majors
- Accounting
- Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping
- Agricultural Mechanization
- Agricultural Public Services
- Anthropology
- Architectural Drafting and Architectural CAD/CADD
- Architectural Engineering Technology/Technician
- Autobody/Collision and Repair Technology/Technician
- Automotive Engineering Technology/Technician
- Baking and Pastry Arts/Baker/Pastry Chef
- Biology/Biological Sciences
- Biomedical Technology/Technician
- Biotechnology
- Business Administration and Management
- Business Operations Support and Secretarial Services
- Business/Commerce
- Chemistry
- Commercial and Advertising Art
- Commercial Photography
- Computer and Information Systems Security/Information Assurance
- Computer Engineering Technology/Technician
- Computer Programming, Specific Applications
- Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications
- Construction Engineering Technology/Technician
- Corrections
- Criminal Justice/law Enforcement Administration
- Dental Assisting/Assistant
- Dental Hygiene/Hygienist
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician
- Dietetics/Dietitian
- Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts
- Early Childhood Education and Teaching
- Economics
- Education
- Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician
- Energy Management and Systems Technology/Technician
- Engineering
- English Language and Literature
- Environmental Engineering Technology/Environmental Technology
- Executive Assistant/Executive Secretary
- Fine Arts and art Studies
- Fire Prevention and Safety Technology/Technician
- Foreign Languages and Literatures
- General Studies
- Golf Course Operation and Grounds Management
- Health and Wellness
- Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician
- Health/Health Care Administration/Management
- Heating, Ventilation, air Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering Technology/Technician
- History
- Industrial Technology/Technician
- Information Technology
- Information Technology Project Management
- Interior Design
- International Business/Trade/Commerce
- Landscaping and Groundskeeping
- Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training
- Manufacturing Engineering Technology/Technician
- Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage
- Mathematics
- Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant and Medical Secretary
- Medical Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiation Therapist
- Medical Transcription/Transcriptionist
- Medical/Health Management and Clinical Assistant/Specialist
- Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies
- Music History, Literature, and Theory
- Music Management
- Music Performance
- Music Technology
- Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist
- Occupational Safety and Health Technology/Technician
- Occupational Therapist Assistant
- Office Management and Supervision
- Operations Management and Supervision
- Organizational Behavior Studies
- Physical Therapy Technician/Assistant
- Pre-engineering
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Quality Control Technology/Technician
- Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiographer
- Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse
- Restaurant/Food Services Management
- Sales, Distribution, and Marketing Operations
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Speech Communication and Rhetoric
- Surgical Technology/Technologist
- Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods
- Teacher Education, Multiple Levels
- Tool and die Technology/Technician
- Welding Technology/Welder
Ohio Scholarships
Mary K. Bush Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate students enrolled full-time at Ohio University. Preference given to residents of Athens County Children's Home, second preference given to residents of Union County Children's Home in Marysville, Ohio, third preference given to residents of any Children's Home, fourth preference given to studnets with financial need. Deadlines and award amounts may vary. more...
J.D. Gilbert & Harriet Flora Gilbert Scholarship
Annual award for an undergraduate student attending Ashland University full-time, training for the ministry. Due date and award amount varies. more...
Grosvenor & Wilson McKee Scholarship
Scholarship for college freshmen enrolled full-time at Ohio University. Students must have academic achievement. Deadlines and award amounts may vary. more...
William U. Snyder Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship for graduate students enrolled full-time at Ohio University majoring in Clinical Psychology. Deadlines and award amounts may vary. more...
Architecture Class of 1984 Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate students enrolled full-time at the University of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning School of Architecture and Interior Design majoring in Architecture. Number of awards and award amount may vary. more...
Miami University Scholarship in Art
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Miami University in Ohio, majoring in Art. Due date, number of awards and award amount varies. more...
Stephen J. Wildasin Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Cedarville University in Ohio, majoring in Biology. Candidates must have demonstrated financial need. Applicants should complete the FAFSA application to qualify for this award. Due date, number of awards and award amount varies. more...
Ruth Fowler Brown Upperclass Endowed Scholarship Fund
Scholarship for female Cleveland, Ohio area residents who are college juniors or seniors enrolled full-time at Ohio University. Students must demonstrate academic achievement. Deadlines and award amounts may vary. more...
Dana S. Fitzsimmons Pharmacy Scholarship & Cultural Award
Scholarship for Ohio residents who are fourth-year graduate students enrolled at the University of Toledo College of Pharmacy. Students must demonstrate academic achievement and proficiency in a performance or visual art. Number of awards and award amount may vary. more...
Thomas F. & Gloria J. Olin Endowed Scholarship
Annual award for undergraduate student attending Ashland University full-time. Applicant must be in good academic standing and demonstrate leadership in campus activities. Financial need will be a determining factor for this award. Due date and award amount varies. more...
Laub Foundation Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate or graduate students attending the Cleveland Institute of Art. Applicants must financial need. Deadlines and award amounts may vary. more...
John A. Becker Electric Company Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Wright State University majoring in Electrical Engineering. Number of awards and award amount may vary. more...
Rolan David Polsdorfer Electrical Engineering Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate sophomores and juniors attending Cedarville University in Ohio full-time, majoring in Electrical Engineering. Candidates must have at least one year remaining in their program, and must have a minimum 3.3 GPA. Recipients will be selected by the Engineering faculty. Due date, number of awards and award amount varies. Nonrenewable. more...
ATS General Scholarship Endowment
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Ashland University full-time, majoring in Theology. Selection based on academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. Due date, number of awards and award amount varies. more...
Buckeye Girls State Scholarship
Scholarship for female, incoming freshmen and undergraduate students planning to attend or currently attending Ashland University, who participated in the Buckeye Girls Stae prgram hosted each summer by Ashland University. Due date and number of awards varies. Renewable. more...