Rhode Island Scholarships
Chemical Engineering Freshman Scholarship
Annual award for entering freshmen students attending the University of Rhode Island-Kingston majoring in Chemical Engineering. Selection will be made by the Department of Chemical Engineering. Due date, number of awards and award amount varies.
Kevin J. Zecco Memorial Scholarship
Annual award for an undergraduate student in their fourth year attending the University of Rhode Island-Kingston majoring in Pharmacy. Applicant must have a 2.5 - 3.5 GPA and demonstrated financial need. Candidate must have good moral character and the persistence/dedication to pursue an entry-level degree in Pharmacy. Due date and award amount varies.
Anna M. Shanley Dominican Laity Fund
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Providence College who are studying to enter the Order of St. Dominic. Selection is based on academic achievements and potential. Due date, award amount and number of awards may vary. Nonrenewable.
Thomas F. Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Providence College who are employees or dependents of employees of Keough Kirby Associates. Selection is based on academic achievements, potential, and community/school activities. Due date, award amount and number of awards may vary. Nonrenewable.
American Screw Company Scholarship Fund
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Providence College. Selection is based on academic achievements, potential, and community/school activities. Preference given to students who are children of former employees of the American Screw Company. Due date, award amount and number of awards may vary. Nonrenewable.
Caprio Family Scholarship Fund
Scholarship for residents from Rhode Island who are undergraduate students attending Providence College. Selection is based on academic achievements, financial need, and potential. Due date, award amount and number of awards may vary. Nonrenewable.
Kenneth G. Sweetnam Scholarship Fund
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Providence College. Selection is based on financial need, potential, and a warm smile. Applicants may not be participating in varsity athletics Due date, award amount and number of awards may vary. Nonrenewable.
Kenneth & Susan Kermes Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending the University of Rhode Island-Kingston majoring in Nursing. Selection is based on good academic standing and demonstrated financial need. Due date, number of awards and award amount varies.
Blackfriars Guild Scholarship Fund
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Providence College who are majoring in Communications Arts or Theatre Arts. Selection is based on academic achievements, potential, and community/school activities. Due date, award amount and number of awards may vary. Nonrenewable.
Thomas V. Falciglia Honorary Scholarship
Annual award for undergraduate or graduate student attending the University of Rhode Island-Kingston majoring in Music, concentrating in piano, organ, orchestral instrument or voice. Preference will be given to a musically talented freshman with financial need. Selection made by the Department of Music. Due date and award amount varies.
Kenneth A. Epstein Engineering Scholarship
Annual award for an undergraduate attending the University of Rhode Island-Kingston enrolled in the College of Engineering. Due date and number of awards varies.
Barnes & Noble Scholarship Fund
Scholarship for minority undergraduate students attending Providence College. Selection is based on academic achievements, potential, and community/school activities. Due date, award amount and number of awards may vary. Nonrenewable.
George H. & Mary Kulik Bond Scholarship
Annual award for an undergraduate student attending the University of Rhode Island-Kingston. Selection is based on demonstrated financial need. Due date and award amount varies.
Crowshaw Family Scholarship Fund
Scholarship for Rhode Island residents who are undergraduate students attending Providence College and are of the Roman Catholic faith. Selection is based on academic achievements and potential. Due date, award amount and number of awards may vary. Nonrenewable.
William & Helen Hoban Shcolarship Fund
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Providence College. Selection is based on academic achievements, financial need, potential, and community/school activities. Due date, award amount and number of awards may vary. Nonrenewable.
Edna L. Steeves Memorial Scholarship
Annual award for an undergraduate student attending the University of Rhode Island-Kingston majoring in English. Selection will be based on student's high academic achievement. Due date and award amount varies.
Professor E.R. Boyko Scholarship Fund
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Providence College who are majoring in Chemistry. Selection is based on academic achievements, financial need, potential, and community/school activities. Preference given to residents of Rhode Island or New Jersey. Due date, award amount and number of awards may vary. Nonrenewable.
Joseph V. Cavanagh Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship for juniors or seniors attending Providence College who are majoring in Pre-Law. Selection is based on academic achievements, financial need, potential, and community/school activities. Due date, award amount and number of awards may vary. Nonrenewable.
Gladys N. Longo Scholarship in Pharmacy
Annual award for an undergraduate or graduate student attending the University of Rhode Island-Kingston majoring in Pharmacy. Selection is based on demonstrated financial need. Due date and award amount varies.
George & Lois Graboys Minority Student Scholarship
Scholarship for minority undergraduate or graduate students attending the University of Rhode Island-Kingston majoring in Business. First preference will be given to undergraduates, but graduate students will be considered. Undergraduate applicants must have a minimum 2.7 GPA; graduates must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Selection is based on students with the highest GPA. Due date, number of awards and award amount varies.
George A. Brown Memorial Scholarship
Annual award for an undergraduate student attending the University of Rhode Island-Kingston majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Due date and award amount varies.
Glenn C. Brown Dental Hygiene Scholarship
Annual award for an undergraduate who is a junior or senior attending the University of Rhode Island-Kingston in the clinical second semester. Applicant must have good academic performance. Consideration given for financial need. Due date and award amount varies.
Dr. Barbara Allen Woods Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in German Studies
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending the University of Rhode Island-Kingston majoring in German. Recipient selected by the Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures. Due date, number of awards and award amount varies.
Arthur J. Minor Memorial Scholarship
Annual award for an undergraduate student attending the University of Rhode Island-Kingston majoring in Engineering. Applicant must have demonstrated financial need. Due date and award amount varies.
Peter Salvador Memorial Scholarship Fund
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending Providence College. Selection is based on academic achievements, financial need, potential, and community/school activities. Due date, award amount and number of awards may vary. Nonrenewable.
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