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WOMEN OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA (The Arne Administrative Leadership Scholarship)

WOMEN OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA (The Arne Administrative Leadership Scholarship)

8765 West Higgins Road
Chicago IL 60631-4189
800/638-3522, ext. 2747

FAX: 773/380-2419


AMOUNT: Varies


FIELD(S): Administration
For women who are ELCA members
preparing for administrative positions.
Coursework may be for an administrative
degree, for certification, or for continuing
education. Must be a US citizen and have a
bachelor�s degree. Must provide records of
academic & professional courses taken
since being awarded a bachelor�s, and must
provide proof of admission to educational
institution. Funds must be used within year
following award.
Renewable for an additional year.
Contact Faith Fretheim, Program Director,
for an application.