Oblate School of Theology
285 Oblate DrSan Antonio, TX 78216
(210) 341-1366
Quick Facts
Enrollment: 0
Type: Private nonprofit 4-year or above
Main Website: www.ost.edu
Financial Aid: financial aid link
Annual Costs
Tuition and fees: $0.00
Total Cost In-State On-Campus: $0.00
Total Cost Out-State On-Campus: $0.00
Quick links: Admissions | Test Scoring | Financial Aid | Degrees | Majors | Scholarships
Total | Male | Female | |
Number of applicants | |||
Percent admitted | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% |
Percent admitted who enrolled | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% |
Financial Aid
Percentage of students receiving any financial aid | 0% |
Percentage of students receiving Federal Grants | 0% |
Average Federal Grant | $0.00 |
State Aid | |
Percentage of students receiving state aid | 0% |
Average state aid | $0.00 |
Institutional Aid | |
Percentage of students receiving institutional aid | 0% |
Average institutional aid | $0.00 |
Student Loans | |
Percentage of students receiving a student loan | 0% |
Average student loan | $0.00 |
- Degrees
- Majors
- Theological and Ministerial Studies
- Theology/Theological Studies
Oblate School of Theology Scholarships
Texas Scholarships
Direct Marketing Association Endowed Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate students attending the University of North Texas full-time. Applicants must have academic achievement with a minimum 2.0 GPA. Submit FAFSA application (available January 2nd) for financial eligibility. Number of awards and award amount varies. more...
Women's Golf Scholarship
Scholarship for female, undergraduate students attending the University of North Texas full-time, who plan to participate on the university's golf team. Applicants must have academic achievement with a minimum 2.0 GPA. Submit FAFSA application (available January 2nd) for financial eligibility. Number of awards and award amount varies. more...
Sue Baker Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship for female undergraduate students attending Tarleton State University majoring in Physical Education. Applicants must be active in women's athletics, P.E. organizations, intramurals, or committees, have completed 15 semester hours, have a minimum 3.0 GPA and show financial need. Preference is given to students involved in basketball. Number of awards and award amount may vary. more...
Karin & Gus Seligmann Scholarship
Scholarship for undergraduate and graduate students attending the University of North Texas full-time, majoring in Marketing or Logistics. Selection based on academic excellence, merit, professionalism and financial need. Submit one-page essay with career goals and 2 academic plus 2 non-academic letters of reference with application packet. Due date, exact number of awards and award amount varies. more...
Doris & Bryan Wildenthal Scholarship
Scholarship for senior level students at Sul Ross State University (Alpine, TX). Student must have 75% of coursework completed and be scheduled to graduate in May. Student must also be active in extracurricular activities. Award is for the spring semester only. Number of awards varies. more...