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American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees

Attn: Education Department

1625 L Street, N.W.~

Washington, DC 20036-5687

Phone(202) 429-1000                                                                     

Fax: (202) 429-1293

TTY: (202) 659-0446                                                     


Web: www.afscme.orglabout/scholarf.htm

Summary: To provide financial assistance for college to children of members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).

Eligibiity: Open to graduating high school seniors who are the children or financiallyaependent grandchildren of active federation members. Applicants must intend to enroll in a full-time 4-year degree program at an accredited college or university. Selection is based on an essay on "What AFSCME Has Meant to Our Family," high school transcripts, SAT or ACT scores, and the AFSCME Family Scholarship High School report.

Financial data: The stipend is $2,000 per year.

Duration: 1 year; may be renewed for 3 additional years if the student remains enrolled in a full-time course of study.

Additional information: This program was established in 1986.

Number awarded: 10 each year.

Deadline: December of each year.