Musician's Friend Coupon Codes
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Musician's Friend Coupons offers Musician's Friend coupons and promo codes for your next purchase of music gear. Since its modest beginning in 1983, Musician's Friend has grown into one of the largest marketers of music gear, selling over 70,000 products to customers in the United States and Canada alone. The company is headquartered in Medford, Oregon and currently employs over 1000 people. Musician's Friend also owns a distribution center in Kansas City that is claimed to be the size of 13 football fields. The company was bought by Guitar Center in 1999 for $50 million as part of Guitar Center's plan to expand its internet presence. Musician's Friend now does a staggering amount of sales through its mail-order catalogue, and its website. To save money on your next purchase at, remember to use a Musicians Friend coupon or coupon code. has provided a selection of Musicians Friend coupons and promo codes that cover a significant portion of their inventory. Remember, for the latest Musician's Friends coupons and coupon codes visit