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Girls Going Places Scholarship

Girls Going Places Scholarship
Girls Going Places Scholarship Program
You can:  Go to the provider's website for more info
Award Amount
Deadline Date
February 25
Awards Available
The Girls Going Places Scholarship is open to girls between the ages of 12 and 18. Girls must be nominated by an original essay of 1000 words or less written by an adult. The essay should address all three of the following topics: (1) How has she taken the first steps towards financial independence? (2) How does the nominee demonstrate budding entrepreneurship or financial acumen? (3) How does the nominee make a difference in her school, her community , or peoples' lives? The winner will be selected based on the relevance of the nominee's achievements to the theme of the contest, the significance of nominee's achievements and contributions and the originality and clarity of the essay.

Additional Information
Please visit the Web site provided for additional information and to download a nomination form.

Applicable Majors
All Fields of Study
You can:  Go to the provider's website for more info