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INEEL Undergraduate Fellowship

INEEL Undergraduate Fellowship
Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
You can:  Go to the provider's website for more info
Award Amount
Deadline Date
The INEEL Undergraduate Fellowship is available to undergraduates in any state who have completed their freshmen year and are currently enrolled as a full-time student majoring in science, mathematics, engineering, or technology. You must have a minimum 3.0 GPA to be qualify. The fellowship term is 10-16 weeks for summer appointments and a minimum of 15 weeks for academic semester appointments. Selection will be based on academic performance, class standing, career goals, recommendations and compatibility of educational interests and abilities with the needs of INEEL. U.S. citizenship is also required.

Additional Information
Please visit the sponsor's Web site for additional information.

Applicable Majors
Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology
You can:  Go to the provider's website for more info