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SPACE COAST CREDIT UNION (Two-Year Scholarships)

SPACE COAST CREDIT UNION (Two-Year Scholarships)

Marketing Dept.; P.O. Box 2470
Melbourne FL 32902


AMOUNT: $750/year, two years; $1,000
bonus if go on for Bachelors


FIELD(S): Math, Economics, Science,
Computer Science, Marketing,
Journalism, Political Science
Must be graduating from a high school
in Brevard, Volusia, Flagler, or Indian
River counties, be a member of SCCU,
have a minimum 3.0 GPA, planning to
attend a two-year Florida institution of
higher education for an associates degree,
and be willing to write a 200-word essay on
the topic �Why credit unions are valuable
to society.�
Four annual awards. Students going on
to complete a four-year degree could be
eligible for a bonus scholarship of $1,000
for the next two years. For membership
information or an application, see our web
page or write to the above address.