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Microsoft Undergraduate Technical Scholarship

Microsoft Undergraduate Technical Scholarship
Microsoft Corporation
You can:  Go to the provider's website for more info
Award Amount
Deadline Date
January 15
The Microsoft Undergraduate Technical Scholarship is open to students currently pursuing a 4-year degree in computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering or a related field such as math or physics (with an interest in computer science) at an institution in the United States, Canada or Mexico. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required in order to apply. Your application packet must include a letter of referral, a one-page essay answering four questions provided on the Web site, a resume and a transcript. There is not an application form that accompanies the application packet.

Additional Information
Please visit the sponsor's Web site for additional and complete information.

Applicable Majors
Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Related Fields
You can:  Go to the provider's website for more info