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Simmons/Microsoft Business Plan Challenge

Simmons/Microsoft Business Plan Challenge

Provided by: Simmons/Microsoft
Deadline: November 30
Award Amount
Minimum: $1000
Maximum: $3000
Awards Available
Type of Award



The Simmons/Microsoft Business Plan Challenge is available to juniors and seniors attending a college or university in the United States. You must be working toward an undergraduate degree in marketing or business. You may also be majoring in a related discipline, such as geography, business communications, etc. with a demonstrated interest in marketing or business. After applying for this award, you will be charged with the task of preparing a business plan in which you will recommend a location for a new 7-Eleven convenience store and recommend new products that the store should provide. You will also be asked to propose a store promotion or ad campaign that would appeal to potential customers of the new store. Additional Information Please visit the sponsor's Web site for additional information. Applicable Majors Marketing, Business