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Society of Daughters of the United States Army

Various Scholarship Programs
Society of Daughters of the United States Army
7717 Rockledge Court
Springfield, VA 22152-3854  USA

Applications available after: 11/01
Deadline date is: 03/01
Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) with requests for information.
Number of awards: Varies
Amount of award(s): $1000
Minimum GPA required is: 3.0
Maximum age to apply: 0
Only FEMALES may apply.
For citizens of this country(ies):
United States Applications accepted from current:
High School Seniors High School Graduates College Freshmen College Sophomores College Juniors Intended to be used during this year of study:
College Freshmen College Sophomores College Juniors College Seniors This scholarship is based on/considers:
Financial Need Academic Achievement Essay Leadership Experience or Potential Recommendations and/or References SAT/ACT/GRE or Other Test Scores Character and/or Moral Character and/or Personality Only for active members or veterans (or the dependents of members or veterans) of this branch of Military Service:
Additional Information:
Please read this information CAREFULLY! Applicant for the DUSA Scholarships must be a daughter or granddaughter only (including step or adopted) of a career warrant (WO 1-5) or commissioned (2nd & 1st LT, CPT, MAJ, LTC, COL and BG, MG, LT or full General) officer of the U.S. Army who: (1) is currently on active duty or; (2) retired from active duty after at least 20 years service or; (3) was medically retired before 20 years of active service or; (4) died while on active duty or; (5) died after retiring from active duty with 20 or more years of service. U.S. Army must be / have been the officer's primary occupation.

When writing to request an application, the officer's name, rank, component (Active, Regular, Reserve), service / social security number, and inclusive dates of active duty & relationship to applicant must be included in request for an application.

Scholarships are awarded based upon demonstrated depth of character, leadership, seriousness of purpose, service connection, high academic achievement and financial need; 3 recommendations, 3 essays, transcripts for 4 academic years, SAT & ACT scores, r�sum�, proof of service for qualifying family member.

Acceptable proof-of-service documents include: copy of Officer Record Brief, Form DD214, most recent PCS or retirement orders, both sides ofofficer's military identification card. Unacceptable forms include original documents of any kind, and copies of commendations, citations, commissions, birth certificates, or any other document which does not confirm rank, component, duty status, & length of service. DUSA reserves the right to determine legitimacy of all documents and eligibility of all applicants. Note that if you can not provide acceptable proof of service your application will not be considered. It's a good idea to make sure you can provide an acceptable proof of service BEFORE you write requesting an application!!

All requests *MUST* include a Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope! If you DO NOT include a self-addressed stamped envelope, your request for an application WILL NOT be answered!

Requests for applications are ONLY accepted from November 1st through March 1st, do NOT write requesting an application outside these dates. You will not get a response.