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U.S. Air Force

Attn: Headquarters AFROTC/RRUC

551 East Maxwell Boulevard

Maxwell AFB, AI. 36112-6106

Phone: (334) 953-2091

Fax: (334) 953-5271

Web: www.afrotc.comlscholarships/icschoUminority/enh_bcu.htm

Summary: To provide financial assistance to students at designated Historically Black COlleges and Universities (HBCUs) who are willing to join Air Force ROTC and serve as Air Force officers following completion of their bachelor's degree.

Eligibility: Open to U.S. citizens at least 17 years of age who are currently enrolled as freshmen at 1 of the 7 HBCUs that has -an Air Force ROTC unit on campus. Applicants do not need to be African American as long as they are attending an HBCU and have a cumulative GPA of2.5 or higher. At the time of commissioning, they may be no more than 31 years of age. They must agree to serve for at least 4 years as active-duty Air Force officers following graduation from college. Recently, the program gave first priority to students planning to major in electrical engineering and meteorology, second priority to majors in other technical areas (aeronautical engineering, aerospace engineering, architectural engineering, architecture, astronautical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, computer science, environmental engineering, mathematics, mechanical engineering, and physics), and third priority to all other majors, including other ABET-accredited engineering fields, chemistry, operations research, and non�technical fields.

Financial data: Currently, awards are type 2 AFROTC scholarships that provide for payment oftuition and fees, to a maximum of $15,000 per year, plus an annual book allowance of $510. All recipients are also awarded a tax-free subsistence allowance for 10 months of each year that is $300 per month during the sophomore year, $350 during the junior year, and $400 during the senior year.

Duration: Up to 3 and a_half years (beginning as early as the spring semester of the freshman year) or until completion of a bachelor's degree.

Additional information: The participating HBCUs are Tuskegee University (Thskegee, Alabama), Alabama State University (Montgomery, Alabama), Howard University (Washington, D.C.), Grambling State University (Grambling, Louisiana), North Carolina A&T State University (Greensboro, North Carolina), Fayetteville State University (Fayetteville, North Carolina), and Tennessee State University (Nashville, Tennessee). While scholarship recipients can major in any subject, they must complete 4 years of aerospace studies courses at 1 of the HBCUs that have an Air Force ROTC unit on campus. Recipients must also attend a 4�week summer training camp at an Air Force base, usually between their sophomore and junior years; 2-year scholarship awardees attend in the summer after their junior year. Current military personnel are eligible for early release from active duty in order to enter the Air Force ROTC program. Following completion of their bachelor's degree, scholarship recipients earn a commission as a second lieutenant in the Air Force and serve at least 4 years.

Number awarded: Varies each year. Each of the participating AFROTC units may nominate up to 15 freshman cadets to receive these scholarships.

Deadline: June of each year.