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Chicago FM Club Scholarships

Chicago FM Club Scholarships

Chicago FM Club Scholarships
American Radio Relay League
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111  USA
Phone: 203-666-1541

Website/Home Page:
Additional information/Application might be found here:
Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) with requests for information.
Number of awards: Varies
Amount of award(s): $500
Minimum GPA required is: 0
Maximum age to apply: 0
Non-traditional students encouraged to apply.
Must be attending (or planning on attending) school full-time.

For use by students attending:

Any two-year college, community college or junior college

Any four-year college or university

Any technical, trade or vocational school

For citizens of this country(ies):

United States

Applications accepted from current:

High School Seniors

College Freshmen

College Sophomores

College Juniors

College Seniors

College Graduate Level

Intended to be used during this year of study:

College Freshmen

College Sophomores

College Juniors

College Seniors

College Graduate Level

This scholarship is based on/considers:

Financial Need

Academic Achievement

Extracurricular Activities

Community Service

Recommendations and/or References

Character and/or Moral Character and/or Personality

Must have this hobby and/or express an interest in:

Amateur Radio Operator

Only for residents of this state:




Additional Information:

Must hold a radio license, Technician class or above. Must be a U.S. Citizen or within three months of achieving Citizenship.