James C. Caldwell Scholarship
James C. Caldwell Scholarship
P.O. Box 80056
Toledo, OH 43608 USA
Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) with
requests for information.
Number of awards: Varies
Amount of award(s): n/a
Minimum GPA required is: 0
Maximum age to apply: 0
Applications accepted from current:
High School Seniors
High School Graduates
College Freshmen
College Sophomores
College Juniors
Intended to be used during this year of study:
College Freshmen
College Sophomores
College Juniors
College Seniors
Only for people of this ethnic and/or cultural background:
African American
Alaskan American
Asian American
Chinese American
Japanese American
Mexican American
Native American
Only for residents of this city:
Toledo, OH
Only for residents of this state:
Additional Information:
There is also an 'Owens-Illinois Scholarship' at the same address with the same criteria.