NYS Senate Student Programs Office,
90 South Swan Street Rm. 401
Albany NY 12247
FAX: 518/432-5470
E-mail: mailto:students@senate.state.ny.us
AMOUNT: $25,000 stipend (not a
DEADLINE(S): MAY (first Friday)
FIELD(S): Political Science; Government;
Public Service; Journalism; Public
One year programs for U.S. citizens who
are grad students and residents of New
York state or enrolled in accredited pro-grams
in New York state. Fellows work as
regular legislative staff members of the
office to which they are assigned. The Roth
Fellowship is for communications/journal-ism
majors, and undergrads may be consid-ered
for this program.
14 fellowships per year. Fellowships take
place at the New York State Legislative
Office. Write for complete information.