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Nate McKinney Memorial Scholarship

WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS (Nate McKinney Memorial Scholarship)

1500 Main Street, P.O. Box 15769
Springfield MA 01115

AMOUNT: $1,000


FIELD(S): Music; Athletics; Science
Open to graduating seniors of Gateway
Regional High School in Huntington,
Massachusetts. Recipient must excel aca-demically,
demonstrate good citizenship,
and have a strong interest in at least two of
the following areas: music, science, and
athletics. Based on financial need, academ-ic
merit, and extracurricular activities.
Must submit transcripts and fill out gov-ernment
FAFSA form.
1 award annually. Renewable up to 4
years with reapplication. Contact
Community Foundation for an application
and your financial aid office for FAFSA.
Notification is in June.