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Valley Scholars Program

VALLEY (Valley Scholars Program)

111 W. Saint John Street Suite 230
San Jose CA 95113
FAX: 408/278-0280

AMOUNT: $20,000 (over 4 years of

DEADLINE(S): Varies (early spring)

FIELD(S): Science and/or math
A scholarship program for public high
school students in the Silicon Valley (San
Mateo and Santa Clara counties and
Fremont Union High school District,
California) who have demonstrated enthusiasm
and aptitude for science and math.
Must be U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Up to 20 students are selected each year.
Each Valley Scholar receives financial sup-port,
guidance through the college admission
process, and a mentor whose interests
match their own. Students may apply during
their sophomore year of high school and
must be academically outstanding.